Muling Shi

A multimedia motion designer
that tries to fix her sleep hours︎

Digital Portfolio Images
About me

Before 21

Before 21 is a 4-poster AR lens series on Instagram.
Viewers can access all the designs by scanning the posters with the corresponding filter (including anxiety, passion, support, future).


I am turning 21 in 2021. Looking back, 20 is the most chaotic year for me. Not only because of Covid-19 but also because we start to make decisions at this age. We started to identify ourselves as an individual instead of a group. But luckily 20 is the year I received the most love and support from my friends and family. Sometimes, even though we are not physically together, we can still feel the love and energy through each chatbox, each voice message, each facetime call.

I would love to deliver all my complex feelings and thoughts about my 20 in this Before 21 AR poster series.  Whether good or bad, positive or negative, it is always part of our unique experience.

Feel free to scan the code and try them out!