Muling Shi

A multimedia motion designer
that tries to fix her sleep hours︎

Digital Portfolio Images
About me

Happy Camp Show
Visual Package

During my internship in Happy Camp, one of the most influential Chinese variety shows, I generated visual design, responsible for live screen animation, construction design, and show opening animation. I took charge of the complete main visual design for episode 20210508 with 88 million views.


The theme for this episode is “Pop Out Boy!” which recently voted for the best-looking pop idols and described them by this term, it means “so good-looking as if they had torn apart Shōjo manga (Japanese Girls' Comics) and walked out of that fantasy world.” To create an authentic visual design based on this theme, I decided on a very Sailormoon-style design and pop color palettes.

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Type Design Thinking
With a deep dive into Japanese Manga aesthetics, I decided to integrate one of the most commonly used graphic elements in type design: the stars. Typically considered a symbol of girly romance, they serve to unify both Chinese and English typography.

Character Design

Screen Designs

Final Looks:

Happy Camp’s 24th Anniversary Visual Package

I also independently designed the main visual and related merchandise for Happy Camp’s 24th anniversary.

Design Thinking
Developed a design structure based on the architecture shape of Hunan Broadcasting System

Final Look